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Allegro Partition
Librairie Musicale
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Old-time banjo book - Avec 2 DVDs

Banjo 5 cordes

partition + DVD


Mel Bay   -  MB30494DP

Fiche mise à jour le 17/01/2025

MINSTREL TUNING (FOR G) ? SEE VIDEO - No examples given
` ?heavy-loaded freight train? tuning
Alternate d ?little birdie? tuning
Arkansas traveler?
Bile them cabbage down? (i)
Bile them cabbage down? (ii)
Boat?s up the river?
Boat?s up the river? tuning
Bowling green?
Brighter day? tuning
Buckin? mule?
Bury me beneath the willow?
C tunings and (variants for g and d)
Cannonball blues?
Chilly winds?
Coal creek march?
Cripple creek?
Cuba? tuning
Cumberland gap?
Cumberland gap? tuning
D tuning (variant of double c)
D tunings
Darlin? corey?
Darlin? corey? tuning
Dead? tuning
Don?t let your deal go down? (back in open g)
Double c ?shout lulu? tuning
E minor tuning
F for g variant
F tuning
F tuning variant
F tunings (and g variants)
Five miles outside of town on an old grey mare?
Four more tunings
Frankie was a good girl? (i)
Frankie was a good girl? (ii)
G minor or ?katy cruel? tuning
G minor variant tuning
G tunings (with a variations)
Got a little home to go to?
Guitar? tuning
Half shaved? tuning
Hand me down my old white hat (white oak mountain)?
Happy land?
Heavy-loaded freight train?
Hiram hubbard?
Hiram hubbard? tuning
Hustling gamblers? (?country blues?)
Hustling gamblers? (?country blues?) tuning
I wish i was a mole in the ground?
If i lose my money, let me lose?
John brown?s dream?
John hardy? (i)
John hardy? (ii)
Jordan is a hard road to travel?
June apple?
Katy cruel?
Katy hill?
Katy hill? tuning (f tuning raised to play in g)
Lady gay?
Lady gay? tuning
Last chance?
Last chance? tuning
Little birdie?
Little birdie? (ii)
Little birdie? tuning
Little black train?
Little black train? tuning
Little boy, who made your britches?
Little maggie?
Liza jane?
Lonesome road blues?
Long steel rail (in the pines)?
Long steel rail? tuning
Low bass a tuning
Low bass g tuning
Low bass open d tuning
Minor tunings
Mulberry gap?
Nine hundred miles from my home?
Old banjo? tuning
Old joe clark?
Old ruben?
Old white hat? tuning
On top of old smokey?
On top of old smokey? (i)
Once i had an old banjo?
Open a tuning
Open c tuning
Open d tuning
Open e minor ?satan? tuning
Open g tuning
Over the waterfall?
Pretty polly?
Railroad bill?
Rambling hobo?
Red rocking chair?
Red rocking chair? tuning
Sally ann?
Sandy river belle?
Sandy river belle? tuning
Sandy river belle? tuning in g
Satan, your kingdom must come down?
Sawmill? or mountain minor/dorian mode tunings
Sawmill? tuning
Shady grove (sugar betty ann)?
Shady grove?
Shady grove? (iii)
Shady grove? tuning
Shout, lulu?
Skip to my lou?
Smokey mountain cass moore?s tune?
Soldier?s joy?
Sourwood mountain?
Spanish fandango? (i)
Spanish fandango? (ii)
Standard c, or ?greenback? tuning
The cuckoo?
The rambling boy?
The rolling mill is burning down?
The tom watson tune?
Train on the island?
Train on the island? tuning
Twin sisters?
Twin sisters? tuning
Variant ?little birdie? tuning
Variant open d tuning
Walking boss?
Want to go to cuba but i can?t go now?
Way down the old plank road?
Which side are you on??
Whoa, mule?
Willie moore?
Willie moore? tuning
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40.08 €

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