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Prix: 25.35 €
| | DIVERS AUTEURSThe Oxford easy Anthems book A collection of fifty anthems Partition
Repertoire choral religie Choeur mixte 3 ou 4 voix
OUP - 9780193533219 Chant choral
Fiche mise à jour le 03/02/2025
A choral hymn for advent or ascensiontide, ley A prayer of st richard of chichester, white Above all praise and all majesty, mendelssohn Above him stood the seraphim, dering All from the sun's uprise, tomblings All people at this hour, j.s. bach Alleluia! hearts to heaven, stanton Ave verum, mozart Be peace on earth, crotch Bless the lord, o my soul, gibbs Christ is the world's true light, stanton Come sweetest death, j.s. bach Come, thou holy spirit, come, palestrina Come, thou long expected jesus, ley Come, ye faithful, thatcher Dearest lord jesu, j.s. bach Drop down, ye heavens, statham Flocks in pastures green abiding, j.s. bach Forget me not!, j.s. bach Give laud unto the lord, bullock Good christian men rejoice and sing, bullock He is risen, cope He that is down needs fear no fall, dowland Help me, o lord, arne Here lies he now, j.s. bach I sing of a maiden that is mateless, waters Jesu, hope of men despairing, j.s. bach Jesu, the very thought of thee, victoria Kings in glory, shaw Let all the world, gilbert Lord, for thy tender mercy's sake, hilton Most glorious lord of life: vox ultima crucis, harris My eyes for beauty pine, howells My spirit longs for thee, dowland O holy jesu, palestrina O how amiable, vaughan williams O lord, i will praise thee, jacob O love of whom is truth and light, videro (adapted bevan) O taste and see, stanton O thou who at thy eucharist did'st pray, woldlike O, praise god in his holiness, gibbs Pleasure it is, cope Richard de castre's prayer to jesus, terry Shepherds loud their praises singing, rowley The souls of the righteous, marchant The strife is o'er, gibbs We adore thee, o lord christ, viadana Ye servants of god, coleman Ye watchers and ye holy ones, oldroyd |
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