| SNIDERO Jim The essence of bebop + audio online - saxophone alto saxophone alto 27.95 €
| CURTIS Mike Ten Klezmer Duos - vol.1 2 saxophones 21.95 €
| WIBERNY Heiner Ulla in Africa - 4 saxo 4 saxophones 22.00 €
| HERZOG Edgar Get blue 5 saxophones 33.97 €
| WOLF Franck 6 Trios - vol.1 - avec CD 3 saxophones altos 27.95 €
| ZALBA Javier 72 a St 5 saxophones (AATTB), piano, contrebasse et percussions 34.76 €
| TRADITIONNEL Turkish dance melodies 5 saxophones (SAATB) 33.95 €
| MOZART Wolfgang Amadeus Ouverture From the opera the Magic flûte 5 saxophones (SAATB) 25.50 €
| TRADITIONNEL Stille Nacht 6 saxophones (SAATB) 26.34 €
| SNIDERO Jim The essence of bebop + audio online - saxophone ténor saxophone ténor 24.60 €
| DIVERS AUTEURS Essential Play-alongs + CD saxophone alto 22.35 €
| WOLF Franck 3 Dixieland for Saxophone Quartet 4 saxophones (SATBar) 31.95 €
| LIEBMAN David Lines 2 saxophones (S/A) 20.41 €
| HUMMEL Bertold Sonata Brevis op.95a alto saxophone and piano 27.24 €
| BACH Johann Sebastian Triosonate III in d-moll BWV527 3 saxophones (SABar/SAT) 24.51 €
| BACH Johann Sebastian Drei kleine Bach-Choräle 3 saxophones (ATB) 14.95 €
| MCNEELY Jim Three Conversations 4 saxophones (SATBar) 40.89 €
| BACH Johann Sebastian Jesu, joy of man's desiring 4 saxophones (SATB/ AATB) 19.65 €
| KORTHALS Christian Echo from the Past 5 saxophones 24.51 €
| REINSHAGEN Frank Kling, Glöckchen "5 saxophones (SATTBar); optional Rhythm Section" 27.24 €